Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am on hiatus until further notice.

No, nothing's wrong with me. But my 9 month old laptop has to be sent back to the manufacturer to get fixed due to hardware problems, and my old desktop and I have a shoddy relationship at best and I refuse to use it more than absolutely necessary.

So I am on hiatus while my laptop is as well. But I'll be back.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't start a fight you can't win

So I'm out with my mom tonight, going out for dinner and being the dutiful daughter I am. Who am I kidding, I went for free food. ANYWAY.

We decide to stop at Baskin Robbins on the way home. I love Baskin Robbins and their 31 (million) flavours. We get our ice cream and we're happily eating and minding our own business when a guy storms in with a prepacked container of ice cream, demanding his money back because his wife got the wrong size, and he's being incredibly obnoxious about it. First off, hello buddy, its a food product. Its not exchangeable. Second of all, don't be a knob. You know the type of person that thinks they're the bomb and loooooves to take out their shit on people who have to take it? Yup, him.

The poor girls who are working try to explain to them that they can't do that. He demands to see a supervisor. There isn't one. He now demands a manager. (Keep in mind this is Sunday night at about 8:00). There isn't one. They offer him a number to make a complaint, and he bitches until they call the manager. Up til this point, I'm considering putting my two cents in, but once they call a manager, at least they're okay, right? So I keep my mouth shut and exchange Looks with my mom.

So manager man says give the man his money back just to shut him up. The girl does, and he now buys a single scoop of the same damn ice cream he just returned. Everyone inside is looking at each other with a Can you believe this guy?! look. He takes off and the girl goes to put the ice cream he returned back in the freezer. My mom and I, along with another lady, get up and tell her she can't because even if it appears to be closed, its always possible that someone tampered with it (needle, etc) and if something happens, her ass is on the line. We're all very nice about this to her, just trying to save her butt, lest the Health Board rip them apart.

Asshole man sees us talking and storms back inside, and starts trying to rip into us for thinking he'd do something to it, not minding our own business, getting into his issue, etc etc. But unlike the employees, my mom, myself and the other woman don't have to take his crap, and we start firing back, noting that we didn't talk to him or address him at all when he was in the store. The chirping goes on for a bit, with everyone in the store chiming in. He starts dropping F bombs at people, despite the presence of children. Eventually, I not-so-gently remind him that he got his money back and has his ice cream and he needs to just leave.

At this point, he decides to step towards me quite aggressively, tell me I need to not be "such a mouthy bitch" and tells me, while his fists are clenching, that I'm "lucky I'm female." Now me, being the equally aggressive chick that I am (I stand pretty close to 6 feet tall and I can hold my own in a fistfight), laugh in his face and tell him not to start a fight he can't win, and that its time for him to leave, while stepping right back into his face.

Luckily, he's the type of guy that doesn't quite know what to do when someone's not afraid to challenge him. He's the type that can talk a good game and push people over but isn't sure what to do when you're not afraid of him, so he slunk out of the store with his tail between his legs, still bitching under his breath.

These are exactly the kind of people who need someone to take them down a notch or two, and I don't mind doing it. I still feel bad for the poor girls who were working, although the whole store applauded when he left, which was pretty damn funny. All in all, it was a rather ridiculous night at Baskin Robbins.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Madeline Alice Spohr

I've got no words for this one. Heaven is lucky's graced by Maddie.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spotty much? Why yes.

So my blogging has been mad spotty lately. I apologize for that, for those of you that do click back to see what I'm up to.

I've been in a bit of a Mood lately, and semi throwing myself a pity party, for reasons unknown. I have also decided not to share said pity party with the interwebs, lest you all think I am a whiny little bitch, mostly because I can't even pinpoint the reason I am not happy, save for a few vague ideas.

I don't have much to be unhappy about. School's over (still waiting for marks but that's normal at this point), I'm not a million miles from home anymore, I just started a new job that I like and the money will be rolling in soon to take care of should be pretty good. So why I am in a mood that I can't shake is baffling me.

Either way, if my blogging or Twittering is quiet for a bit, excuse it. I'm just trying not to share my stupid rain cloud with you.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Help find Tori

There's a little girl missing from Southwestern Ontario. She is 8 years old and her name is Victoria Stafford, but she also goes by Tori. She disappeared on April 8. She left school and hasn't been since since.

Tori has blonde hair, blue eyes, is 4'6 and 62 lbs and was last seen wearing a green shirt, jean skirt and a Hannah Montana jacket. This is Tori:

There has not been an Amber Alert issued, as there is no proof of abduction. Search parties are out locally, but the more eyes that see her picture, the more likely she is to come home alive. Please pass this one, or link this blog. She's been missing for 2 days, so she could be out of province, or even in the US by now.

If you see her, call 911 or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Please pass this on.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Sorry I haven't updated for a while. Between dealing with cramming a lot of school work into one week, exams and friends being stupid, all it would have been was ranting posts, and seriously, who wants to read ten of those in a row? No one, that's who. Anyway, that's all over now, and I'll keep you posted on the transfer process. Now to the real entry.

I told one of my friends a bold faced lie yesterday. Bold. Faced. Lie. I said I was working when I wasn't. I just started a new job on the weekend, and I'm already using it as an excuse to get away from friends. Um...oops?

The thing is, she's driving me bananas. We're looking for a place for next year, and usually, she's the quieter, more reserved one of the two of us, but lately, she's been drinking out of my vodka bottle water bottle and has moved to beyond pushy. We've agreed on a few terms: she wants to be close to campus, I want utilities included and laundry on site, and yet I keep getting ads that are miles from campus, hydro is extra and the "laundromat is just down the street."

No. Just no.

I've been burned by having to pay hydro before, when it skyrocketed in the winter due to shitty insulation, and I'm not doing it again. I also don't want to load my laundry in the back of my truck and drive it somewhere just to wash it. This seems reasonable to me, and it seems stupid to even look at places that don't have the things we want. Its a waste of my time, her time and the poor landlord's time.

So anyway, she booked appointments this morning for two places that don't meet what we want, so I lied. Yes I did. I lied and said I had to work, and that if they were worth checking out, she should let me know. It seemed easier that biting her head off, which is what my initial urge was. So there. I'm a lying lie liar. And I'm okay with it, because right now, its saving my sanity from looking at a basement apartment without laundry, hydro extra.